Makers Gotta Make


Scrap fabric twine

DIY Scrap Fabric Twine {Sew Sustainable}

May 07, 20243 min read

Want to turn those skinny fabric scraps you've been hoarding collecting into something useful and adorable? We've got you. Sure, tears may spring to your eyes as your fingers will feel like they are falling off after a while...but it's worth it.

Now you've got yourself some fabulous festive twine to craft all those twiny things! You can use it to create a hanging macrame planter, add a charming touch as ribbon accents on gifts, coil and glue it onto a plant pot for a unique texture, or cover styrofoam balls to fashion unique ornaments. Wrap it around a bangle bracelet for a chic accessory. You can also use your fabric twine to make bowls, or weave it into pot holders, coasters, or rugs.

And can we talk about how cute it looks hanging around your sewing room, patiently waiting for its moment to shine?

We're going to keep things real: this project is the marathon of crafting, so there's no need to rush. It's the perfect excuse for some quality time with your evening TV shows. Think of it like a never-ending story, but with fabric twine instead. When your fingers start to protest, just slap on a binding clip and save it for another day.

a pile of fabric scraps

To begin, gather up a nice selection of fabric scraps and cut (or rip) them into 1" wide strips. Don't get caught up with measuring exactly 1" measurements - it's not that important. Just aim for them to be around the same width and all in various lengths (don't make them even in length).

make scrap fabric twine

Make Your Fabric Twine

  1. Tie two fabric strips together. It's best to have them at varying lengths because you will be adding strips as you go and it's easier to add those strips to one side at a time rather than adding them to both sides at the same time.

  2. Pick up the strip on the right and twist it four times outward (away from you).

  3. Take the twisted strip on the right and place it over the strip on the left.

  4. Now twist the strip that is now on the right four times. Place that twisted strip over the left strip and keep going and going and going until your fingers feel a little broken. LOL.

add strips to your fabric twine

Add More Fabric Strips

When you reach the end of one of the fabrics, you'll need to add another strip. I do this by folding up the end of the new strip and then tucking it about an inch or so into the end of the last one. I think it makes it easier to wrap the end of that strip around the new one, as well. Then twist it well as you add the new strip. Sometimes it feels tricky to add and twist at the same time. But after you've done it several times, you get the feel, and your hands figure out the best way to get there.

Remember, we are making a beautifully original twine here. There is no room for aiming for perfection - just do it and enjoy!

fabric twine scrap fabric sew sustainable fabric scraps
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Hello My Creatives!

I 'm Chris

Makers gotta make, am I right? For creatives like us, making stuff brings joy to our hearts and soothes our souls like nothing else can!

At the heart of the Hold My Coffee brand is the belief that everyone deserves to experience the joy of making, regardless of how much time they have or how “perfect” the outcome is.

I'm here to remind you that it’s not about the size or perfection of a project—it’s about taking time for yourself, reconnecting with your creativity, and finding happiness in the process.

At Hold My Coffee {I gotta make this}, we scratch that sewing itch daily. We're top-tier enablers loaded up on caffeine. We've got your back.

We believe that perfection is an illusion. We encourage you to go 'off-pattern' and make it authentically you!

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